Layer 0 Warpforge APIs: Wares, Inputs and Outputs



# WareID is a simple tuple of what kind of packing is used, and a hash.
# WareIDs are content-addressable.
# We use opaque strings for the packtype and the hash for simplicity.
type WareID struct {
	packtype Packtype   # typically "tar" or "get" or etc.
	hash string   # usually an actual hash, but handed to the io plugin verbatim.
} representation stringjoin {
	joiner ":"

# Packtype is a string that should identify a format for fileset packing.
# Typical examples are "tar", "git", etc.
# An enum could be used here; however, we use an opaque string here
# rather than enum because fileset packing is regarded as a plugin-style system.
type Packtype string


Filters are used more in higher levels, such as when describing Inputs and Outputs.

Filters are also used in CLI commands and APIs for basic direct I/O (e.g. in the warpforge ware command family).

# TODO placeholder type, we may want something more structured here.
# TODO if it does get more structured, some if its uses might need union wrapper.
# TODO or this might be a good place to use multi-phase pattern recognition.
type FilterMap {String:String} representation stringpairs {
	entrySep ","
	pairSep "="


Mounts are (again, sorry) something used at higher levels.

type Mount struct {
	mode MountMode
	hostPath String

type MountMode enum {
	| Readonly "ro"
	| Readwrite "rw"
	| Overlay "overlay" # review: naming.


Occasionally, we refer to "literal" values. Those are... pretty simple.

type Literal string

Literals will be used to describe the value of environment variables, for example.

Inputs and Outputs

We'll talk more about how WareIDs and Mounts are used as the inputs and outputs of computations in the pages for Formulas and RunRecords and Modules, Plots, and Replays.


TODO all the types about warehouse addressing and mirror lists and etc. (Or maybe this belongs in another page about ‣ ?)

type WarehouseAddr string


What s a "Ware" vs a "Fileset"?

A "ware" is a packed "fileset".

The abstract concept of a folder and files (and possibly their permissions, etc) is a "fileset".

A tar or a zip containing that content is a "ware".

What do "Wares" have to do with "packages"?

In most computer discourse, the term "package" usually refers to a vague concept of either "software you can install on a system" or "a library release" or something. Sometimes it comes with even more connotations, like "packages have version" or "packages have dependencies".

We don't use the word package much when describing warpforge, by intention, because those connotations can be complex and become opinionated.

So: probably, a "ware" can contain some kind of "package" (because packages usually are a glorified bunch of files). But, again, depends on what you mean by "package"... so it's not a very clear statement.